"You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away.You know where you hope this train will take you, but you don't know for sure."

"They come to be woken up. The dream has become their reality."

Limbo: The Forgotten City

Cobb and Ariadne navigate the vast, decaying city of Limbo—a space constructed from Cobb’s memories, where time stretches infinitely, and reality becomes indistinguishable from dreams. As they search for Fischer, they must escape before they lose themselves in the subconscious forever.


Cobb and Ariadne, moving . They step into the of the tall, crumbling buildings.

The streets are eerily deserted.

As they move further in, the buildings transform—they become newer, different.

Ariadne marvels at the extraordinary collection of buildings—every architectural style imaginable, rising in waves of failed utopias.


You built all this?


We both did.


It's incredible.


We built for years. Then, when that got stale, we started in on the memories…


A child's shout echoes through the deserted canyons.

Cobb turns, looking down a side street.

A little blonde boy crouches, his back to us.

A little blonde girl joins him.

As Cobb steps forward, they run off.

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